
We offer a number of programs to meet a variety of needs. Check out the offerings below to see which is the right fit for you. All of our programs are free.


Nurturing Fathers

A “fathers only” program designed to help fathers learn new practices that help build nurturing and rewarding relationships with children and partners.

Cost: Free

Length of program: 8 weeks
Sep 9 - Nov 18, 2024

Program day: Monday evenings 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: Building Healthy Families

Referrals: Refer yourself, other community agencies, Public Health or the Ministry of Children and Family Development


Self-Help Opportunities for Parents

A support program for parents of children under the age of 11.

Cost: Free

Length of program: 10 weeks
Sep 10 - Nov 14, 2024

Program day: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm plus weekly one-on-one visit

Location: Building Healthy Families

Referrals: Refer yourself, other community agencies, Public Health or the Ministry of Children and Family Development



Parenting Through Recovery

A support program for substance addicted mothers.

Cost: Free

Length of program: 10 weeks
Sep 9 - Nov 25, 2024

Program day: Monday & Wednesday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm plus weekly one-on-one visit

Location: Building Healthy Families

Referrals: Refer yourself or get a referral from Ministry of Children and Family Development, Alcohol & Drug Centre, Public Health


The Zone

A support program to help families with children and youth ages 10-16.

Cost: Free

Length of program: 9 weeks

Sep 19 - Nov 21, 2024

Program day: Thursday 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: Building Healthy Families

Referrals: Refer yourself, someone in the community (a school counselor, a doctor, etc.) or by the Ministry of Children and Family Development




Outreach is an in-home service that provides parents with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to build enduring and healthy relationships with their children. This may include supporting the family as children are re-integrated back into the home.

Cost: Free

Length of program: varies depending on family’s needs

Program day: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Location: In home

Referrals: Ministry of Children and Family Development (social workers only)


Anger Management

A group that offers a supportive and non-judgmental environment to assist in addressing anger and its effect on our lives.

Cost: Free

Length of program: 9 weeks

Program day: Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm (2 separate groups)

Sep 17 - Nov 12, 2024 (Tuesdays) & Sep 19 - Nov 14, 2024 (Thursdays)

Location: Building Healthy Families

Referrals: Anger Management Referral Form other community agencies or professionals


Elements of Change

Equine Assisted Learning Program

Cost: Free

Length of Program: 10 weeks

Program Day - Wednesdays

Sep 18 - Nov 20, 2024 (11:30am - 1:00pm)

Location: Horseworks, Kelowna

Referrals: Community partners & self referrals

Offers participants an opportunity to go on a powerful journey of learning and understanding.

 Our horses deliver Master Classes in Communication, Appropriate Assertiveness, Leadership, Negotiation, Boundaries, and Team Work - skills that we use in our daily lives - with our families, in our workplaces.. Everything we learn in the arena applies to LIFE. 

 Equine Learning is for Every One

 "When the whole world says "Give Up", a horse will whisper "Try It One More Time"

 Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend?

Each program meets different needs so check the programs listed above to see which is the right fit for you.

How can I become involved?

Referrals for all programs except ‘Parenting Through Recovery’ and ‘Outreach’, can be sent in by Ministry of Children and Family Development; Public Health; other community agencies; family; or you can refer yourself by phoning the office. Please see specifics in each program.

How much does it cost?

All of our programs are free of charge.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend?

Each program meets different needs so check the programs listed above to see which is the right fit for you.

How can I become involved?

Referrals for all programs except ‘Parenting Through Recovery’ and ‘Outreach’, can be sent in by Ministry of Children and Family Development; Public Health; other community agencies; family; or you can refer yourself by phoning the office. Please see specifics in each program.

How can I become involved?

All of our programs are free of charge.

 Funding for these programs is provided by:

British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development
Central Okanagan Foundation logo